The APTANIA CDP allows you to create audience segments, that you can use to activate your user data across the rest of your marketing platforms and channels.
If you're thinking about pulling a list of your top ecommerce customers and creating a new email campaign to reward them with a one-time 25% off coupon then our platform is for you.
At its most basic, customer segmentation (also known as market segmentation) is the division of potential customers in a given market into discrete groups. That division is based on customers having similar enough:
There are three main approaches to market segmentation:
A priori segmentation, the simplest approach, uses a classification scheme based on publicly available characteristics - such as industry and company size - to create distinct groups of customers within a market. However, a priori market segmentation may not always be valid, since companies in the same industry and of the same size may have very different needs.
Needs-based segmentation is based on differentiated, validated drivers (needs) that customers express for a specific product or service being offered. The needs are discovered and verified through primary market research, and segments are demarcated based on those different needs rather than characteristics such as industry or company size.
Value-based segmentation differentiates customers by their economic value, grouping customers with the same value level into individual segments that can be distinctly targeted.